domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021

The Unquiet Grave

The Unquiet Grave es una canción popular inglesa que se cree que data de 1400 y fue recopilada en 1868 por Francis James Child como Child Ballad número 78. En 2017 la cantante de folk escocesa Siobhan Miller hace una preciosa versión que aparece dentro de su álbum Strata.

Cold blows the wind over my true love
Soft fall the drops of rain
I never had but one true love
In Greenwood he lies slain

I'll do as much for my true love
As any young girl may
I'll sit and mourn all on his grave
For twelve months and a day

Will twelve months and a day be enough?
The dead began to speak
"You said so weeping on my grave
And will not let me sleep"

'Tis I my love sits on your grave
And will not let you sleep
I crave one kiss of your clay cold lips
And that is all I seek

You crave one kiss of my clay cold lips
My breath smells earthy strong
And if you have one kiss for me
Your time will not belong

It was down yonder garden green
While where we used to walk
A fairest flower that e'er I spied
Has withered to a stalk

The stalk has withered dry my dear
So shall our love to keep
So make yourself content my love
Till death calls you awake

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