Me and My Shadow es una canción de 1927 escrita y compuesta por Al Jolson, Billy Rose y Dave Dreyer que ha tenido numerosas versiones, entre las más famosas se encuentra la que hicieron en 1962 Frank Sinatra junto a Sammy Davis Jr. En 2001 Robbie Williams hizo otra gran versión junto a Jonathan Wilkes que aparecía en su álbum de versiones Swing When You´re Winning rindiendo un merecido y espléndido homenaje al Rat Pack. A veces, las nuevas versiones superan a las clásicas, convirtiéndose en clásicos igualmente por méritos propios, y este es un gran ejemplo de ello.

Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall
Like the seashore clings to the sea
Like you'll never get rid of your shadow
You'll never get rid of me
Let all the others fight and fuss
Whatever happens, we've got us.
Me and my shadow
We're closer than pages that stick in a book
We're closer than ripples that play in a brook
Strolling down the avenue
Wherever you find him, you'll find me, just look
Closer than a miser or the bloodhounds to Liza
Me and my shadow
We're closer than smog when it clings to L.A.
We're closer than Bobby is to J.F.K.
Not a soul can bust this team in two
We stick together like glue
And when it's sleeping time
That's when we rise
We start to swing
Swing to the skies
Our clocks don't chime
What a surprise
They ring-a-ding-ding!
Happy New Year!
Me and my shadow
And now to repeat what I said at the start
They'll need a large crowbar to break us apart
We're alone but far from blue
Before we get finished, we'll make the town roar
We'll make all the late spots, and then a few more
We'll wind up at Jilly's right after Toot's Shore
Life is gonna be we-wow-whee!
For my shadow and me!
Before we get finished, we'll make the town roar
We'll make all the late spots, and then a few more
We'll wind up at Jilly's right after Toot's Shore
Life is gonna be we-wow-whee!
For my shadow and me!
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