sábado, 22 de febrero de 2025

I Want

I Want es una pegadiza canción que forma parte del álbum homónimo del trío canadiense Good Lovelies que lanzaron el 21 de enero de 2009 de manera independiente siendo su primer álbum de larga duración.
El tema, compuesto por Brett James y Rivers Rutherford destaca por las armonías vocales características del trío formado por Caroline Brooks, Kerri Ough y Susan Passmore. Su estilo combina elementos de folk y country, creando una melodía alegre y pegajosa que te invita a cantar junto a ellas.

Soon a simple afternoon will followSoon I won't be walking on egg shellsEmpty my pink piggy bank of quartersPack my clothes in Grandpa's old suitcase

I want to race down the free wayTo Nashville and US of AI'll stop looking over my shoulderLeave hard times they're getting in my way

Build a home, a swing set in the back yardSunday barbeque with all my friendsCeasars on the porch on any eveningLight a fire and dance our cares away

I want to sing by the oceanWaiting pants rolled to my kneesSwim suit, no suit, barefoot on the seashoreSun-kissed by time I hit the hay

Tip your hat and spin me round the dance floorThrow your line and try to reel me inGetting warmer so what are you waiting forGo for broke and catch me if you can

I want to sing by the oceanI want to live by the seaI will sing this diddy for my best friendMy best friend likes me either way

I want to race down the free wayTo Nashville and US of AI'll stop looking over my shoulderGoodbye hard times getting on my wayGoodbye hard times getting on my way

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