domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2021

You're the First, the Last, My Everything

You´re the First, the Last, My Everything es una conocidísima canción del cantante estadounidense Barry White que formo parte de su tercer disco, lanzado en 1974 y que llevó por título Can´t Get Enough. El tema fue escrito originalmente por Peter Radcliffe como una canción country bajo el título You´re My First, You´re My Last, My In-Between, pero tuvo que esperar 21 años a que apareciera Barry White para querer grabarla alguien. Lo hizo reescribiendo la canción dándole un estilo disco y manteniendo la mayor parte de la estructura de la canción.
El tema es ya uno de los más conocidos de la carrera de Barry y de la música disco internacional, llegando a conseguir llegar a las primeras posiciones en las listas musicales de todo el mundo y aún hoy, sigue sonando por todos los rincones del mundo, sin perder su magia.

We got it together didn´t we?
We definately got our thing together don´t we baby?
Isn´t that nice?

I mean, really, when you really sit and think about it
isn´t it really, really nice?

I can easily feel myself slipping more and more ways
That super world of my own
Nobody but you and me
We´ve got it together baby

My first, my last, my everything
And the answer to all my dreams
You're my Sun, my Moon, my guiding star
My kind of wonderful, that's what you are

I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way, they couldn't made two
You're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for evermore
You're the first, you're the last, my everything

In you I've found so many things
A love so new only you could bring
Can't you see it... You
You'll make me feel this way
You're like a first morning dew on a brand new day

I see so many way that I can love you
Till the day I die
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, the last, my everything

I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way they could have made two
Girl you're my reality
But I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, you're the last, my everything

You and me baby
Just you and me
Ya you are the first, the last
My everything

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